Wednesday 15 May 2013

Choosing the Perfect Date Movie

   Let's face it, first dates are awkward, nerve wracking, and above all: crucial in interesting someone to further pursue a relationship. Because first dates are so important, I've failed to understand why, nine times out of ten, first dates always end up at a movie theater? I've gone on plenty of first dates to the movies and unless I've known the person long before our date, I always find them a bit uncomfortable. How can you get to know someone if you're unable to speak freely? I mean I'll be sitting with a guy I don't really know, and I'm not really sure what to do with myself. Do I lean in towards them or do I lean away? Is he paying, or do I? Is this even a date? Do we share a drink? Should I eat as much popcorn as I really want to, or should I hold back? So many questions, yet no answers.. why? BECAUSE YOU DON'T REALLY KNOW THE PERSON WELL ENOUGH TO FEEL COMFORTABLE ASKING. In my opinion, going to see a movie should be a third or fourth date activity, but for all you people out there who are going to go to the movies anyways, here are some ways to make a movie theater first date as pain-free as possible:

- If you're a guy, clarify that it is in fact a date (say it, tattoo it on your face, pay for the girl, whatever it takes because  friends go see movies too).
- Go out for coffee or dinner before or after (preferably before) to get to know the person and become more comfortable with one another.
- Choose the right movie. Although it may seem like a huge and daunting task, picking the right movie can easily score you a second date.. picking the wrong movie will leave a bad first impression. Just remember: the movie you pick says a lot about who you are (boring movie means boring date).. so choose wisely. Here are a few tips to help you tread these dangerous waters:

Romantic Comedy: If you're a girl, picking a romantic comedy is like saying "Hi I'm a typical girl!" to a guy. If you're a guy, picking a romantic comedy is nice in the way you're trying to accommodate the girl, but it's basically saying "Hi I think you're a typical girl!" (don't assume she'll like a romantic comedy!)

ComedyYou can never go wrong with a comedy, it's fun for both genders! Just make sure its a tasteful comedy, not something lame like an Adam Sandler movie or anything remotely related to the Scary Movie Franchise. Comedic tastes are vast so if you don't know what kind of humor they like, check with them beforehand!

Horror: Picking a horror film is a complete cliche, just don't do it.

Action: Action movies are usually fun, short, and keep the energy running throughout the entire film, you'll get the adrenaline up and the boredom down. Perfect atmosphere for a first date!

Drama: Stay away from dramas, the material is usually to heavy and serious for what's supposed to be a fun first date.

Biopics/Documentaries: Stay away from the biopics.. I mean nobody wants to keep seeing someone who's first date movie choice was Lincoln or a movie about penguins dying out.

Animated: Picking an animated film is can either make or break you: it may either bore someone to death, or impress them with your innocence.

Hope you make use of these tips.. and good luck movie goers!

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