Wednesday 28 October 2015

Top 6 Movie Scenes of All Time

This list is not indicative of the best movies nor my favorite movies, but rather it lists some movie scenes that have resonated with me for whatever reason. Hopefully you agree with this list, but if not.. let me know what your favorite scenes are!

Without further adieu and in no particular order:

1. Security of Your Shit - Burn After Reading

I have always been a huge Coen Brothers fan (since my dad introduced me to Raising Arizona as a youngin') but Burn After Reading is probably my favorite of their movies.. and I think that's attributable to this scene. Brad Pitt plays the dim-witted, frosted tips wearing gym douche (for lack of a better word) so incredibly well and it's such a pleasure watching him on screen. What makes this scene so memorable is that the wannabe blackmail goes awry because it's obvious his calm demeanor and stupidity are no match for the innately angry, foul-mouthed John Malkovich... which I think makes pure cinematic GOLD.

2. Am I on Speakerphone? - The Cabin in the Woods

The Cabin in the Woods serves as a hybrid between a satire of typical horror movie cliches and The Hunger Games. With such a disturbing premise, it is insanely funny to see one of the film's antagonists pauses an otherwise ominous speech to inquire whether or not he is on speakerphone.  This scene makes me laugh every time I watch it, because it just goes to show that literally EVERYONE hates being on speakerphone (including backwoods, gas station owning villains).

3. Crazy Cat Lady - A Clockwork Orange

I once chose to write a 4000 word essay on A Clockwork Orange when I was in high school.. so maybe I just love this scene because of nostalgia or maybe I love it because of it's sheer ridiculousness (most likely the latter). Kubrick manages to use humor, quick-witted dialogue, and almost comic-like visual effects to turn this relatively dark scene into a farce. SIDENOTE: this scene is a great example when analyzing one of this film's many misogynistic undertones. 

4. Caught Cheating in the Drive Thru - American Beauty

It's no secret I love Kevin Spacey. It's also no secret I love American Beauty. Lester Burnham is an especially interesting character because he is supposed to be the epitome of boring, American, suburbia.. yet as the film progresses, you find out he is in fact a very complex, slightly neurotic, and very disconnected-from-reality character. His personality is almost surreal and is best highlighted in this scene, where he catches his wife cheating with him while working at a drive thru.. but instead of getting mad (like a normal person) he's more concerned with giving his wife sauce for her order and letting his drive thru supervisor in on the action.

5. Tipping Scene - Reservoir Dogs

This scene is just so relatable and I quote it every time I go out to eat with friends. *Cue Steve Buscemi playing the world's smallest violin* That's all I really have to say about that...

6. Kingdom of Heaven - Battle in the Woods

Kingdom of Heaven isn't really my favorite movie (like a Crusades era movie starring Liam Neeson and Orlando Bloom is a bit ambitious) BUT I will say this scene is incredibly beautiful. The colors, the cinematography, the scenery, the music.. IT'S ALL TOO MUUUUCH.

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