Saturday 16 February 2013

Top Horror Movie Cliches

If you've seen one horror movie, you've seen them all. Whether the characters act like complete idiots, the serial killer never dies, or there's no cell reception, horror movies all have the same basic formula that so many films have mimicked comically. Here's a list of a few of my favorite cliches that we've all seen (and probably never want to see again):

1. Running into the Woods

I'm sure being chased by a serial killer would be incredibly terrifying, but wouldn't it be possible to make some form of logical decision a midst the pressure? I mean, I'm almost positive that the best way to avoid the killer isn't to run into the woods (or any other secluded places for that matter) late at night, right?

2. Falling/Tripping

Seems nobody can stand on their own two feet anymore. I know the characters are scared, tired, and stressed out, but that doesn't mean they need to have two left feet. Advice to horror movie characters: when you fall off the horse, get back on (for your own good).

3. Trying to Fight Back

We've all seen that overly confident, self proclaimed 'tough guy' trying to fight off the serial killer, but let's get real it's to no avail; he just needs to sit back down and wait patiently for his turn to die. Although I've got to admit, their attempts at fighting back are admirable (but they should know by now that serial killers just never die in the movies).

4. Dying While Having Sex

If you have sex in a horror movie, chances are your friends are probably dead and you will be too by the time you finish. I just wish the serial killers would stop killing in the name of love.

5. Inept Policemen

Whether the cop is corrupt, in cahoots with the murderer, or just no help at all, an incompetent police officer is a vital part of a horror movie formula.Cops' duties are to protect and serve, but in horror movies nowadays it seems you're better off trying to protect yourself, than call the cops (if you're privileged enough to have phone reception).

6. Teenagers

Most horror films start off light and airy, with a group of overly happy teenagers (usually a group of five - 2 girls, 3 guys) ready to party and have the time of their lives. So if you're a teenager in a horror movie, the best way to stay alive is to probably not go on that road trip with your friends.

7. Little Girls Getting Possessed by Demons

You'd think demons would have something better to do than possess little girls, right? In almost all paranormal themed movies lately, a little girl aged 7-12 is usually the target of a demons possession. It would be a little refreshing if we saw a little boy get possessed every once in a while.

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