Saturday 2 February 2013

Mama Review

      If you're looking for a scary movie, don't waste your time or money and stay far, FAR away from Mama. Yes I know the trailer looks promising, but the movie is way of the mark. The film's potential was lost a midst a goofy looking antagonist, less than scary 'shocker' moments, weirdly filmed flashback scenes, and Jessica Chastain's talent going to waste. To be completely honest, I spent the whole one hour and forty-five minutes of the movie laughing with my friends instead of hiding behind my popcorn bag. For future reference, any supposedly scary movie with Guillermo del Toro's name somewhere in the credits should NOT be taken seriously (if you remember last year's Don't be Afraid of the Dark, you know what I'm talking about). I wasn't impressed with the lack or originality of the film, moments that were supposed to terrify the audience felt more like deja-vu. The beginning of the film showed promise, yet as the film progressed the plotline grows foolish and characters begin acting a tad bit dumb (for lack of a better word), which of course leads to their untimely (and expected) deaths.
     When going into the movie, I was hoping for a good horror film to help me forget the atrocity I watched a few weeks prior: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Sadly to say, I'm not entirely sure which was worse. I'm not sure about you guys, but for me it's getting tiresome hoping for a good horror film when none seem to be getting made; I mean a one hour episode of Criminal Minds scares me more than any horror movie I've seen in the past few years. Maybe Hollywood needs to take a couple notes from the silver screen, and start focusing horror films' premises on realism opposed to the paranormal. Nothing is quite as terrifying as reality itself.

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